Important distinction for FHL I. KIRIAKIDIS MARBLES – GRANITES S.A. - Second Pinnacle Award
Another important distinction was won by the company FHL I. KIRIAKIDIS MARBLES – GRANITES S.A. with the awarding of the Pinnacle Award for the project "Victory of Samothrace"
The Natural Stone Institute (NSI) announced the winners of the Pinnacle Awards 2020. Among them is the company FHL I. KIRIAKIDIS MARBLES – GRANITES S.A. who received the award for creating a replica for the work of art "the Victory of Samothrace". Thisis the secondtime in a rowthat the company FHL I. KIRIAKIDIS MARBLES – GRANITES S.A. has been awarded, as in 2019 it wasawarded for the project RAMZAN KADYROV Mosque in the city of Shali, in Chechnya, which is a federal subject of Russia.
As an homage to our ancient ancestors and the unique beauty theycreated first, company FHL I. KIRIAKIDIS MARBLES – GRANITES S.A. had the honour to replicate of the statue “Nike of Samothrace” statue, also known as “WingedVictory of Samothrace”. The statue will bedonated by the company to the Municipality of Samothrace island (eastern Macedonia and Thrace, Greece). The replica will be displayedat the local museum.
This statue is the second one made by company FHL I. KIRIAKIDIS MARBLES – GRANITES S.A., the first had been donated to the Municipality of Alexandroupolis (eastern Macedonia and Thrace, Greece), where it is displayed at a certain point in Alexandroupolis, facing with a “symbolic orientation” the island of Samothrace while, this second one will ‟look” in the direction of the Louvre museum, soas to demonstrate the constant demand of Greece for the return of the Nike to its rightful home.
The replica has been elaborated in the thassian marble PRINOS, which can be found only in the small Greek island of Thassos, which is known through the centuries for its sparkling and pure white marble. The rareness of this all white marble was challenging, given the fact that FHL I. KIRIAKIDIS MARBLES – GRANITES S.A. wanted toelaborate the statue in onepiece. The statue is supported by a marblebase, which has been left from the original block in order to support the statues static, while the overall weight is ~5,5 Tons. The one-to-one replica has been elaborated according to the effigy provided by the Louvre museum in Paris, where the original is displayed since 1884.
Having been sculptured over two months by state of the artroboticmachinery, the statue got its careful finish by hand and specializedsculptors, at FHL I. KIRIAKIDIS MARBLES – GRANITES S.A. facilities in Drama, Greece.
Within 2021 this breath-taking sculpture is about to be delivered to its final destination, the island of Samothrace.
The awards are given for works that are distinguished for their beauty, creativity, authenticity and craftsmanship as an example of professional mastery in the use of natural stone. The highest award, the Grande Pinnacle, will be announced during the awards ceremony at TISE in June 2021, with a major sponsor, Marmomac.